
Troop 282 is a well-established Boy Scout unit serving the Pleasant Hill community for over 50 years. The troop has consistently earned the Quality Unit Award each year for leadership, outdoor programs, and scout accomplishments.


Troop 282 draws scouts from a variety of packs and schools in Pleasant Hill, Martinez and Walnut Creek. Typically, boys come from Pleasant Hill Elementary, Strandwood, Valhalla, Morello Park, John Swett, John Muir, Las Juntas and Buena Vista. Older scouts come from Walnut Creek Intermediate, Martinez Junior High Pleasant Hill and Valley View Middle schools, and Las Lomas, Alhambra and College Park high schools.


Troop meetings are held twice a month and are run by scouts in leadership positions. During the school year, scouts meet in the multi-use room at Strandwood Elementary School. During the summer, the boys meet at a local park to participated in different outdoor activities; such as ultimate Frisbee and capture the flag. During troop meetings, scouts teach or learn skills they'll need for camping, hiking, cooking, orienteering, and backpacking, to name a few. Many of the skills are reinforced in the activities and games the scouts play at the meetings. Often the skills tie in to an upcoming event or activity.

Outdoor Fun

At the heart of the Boy Scout program is outdoor fun. Troop 282 scouts are very active throughout the year. The boys decide which trips will be fun to do and plan at least one overnight, hike, or an extended campout each month. The scouts learn how to plan, organize, and work as a team.

Troop 282 attends our Council's Residence camp, Camp Wolfeboro in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for one week during the summer.This camping experience helps the boys advance in rank at a rapid pace with most first year scouts completing the requirements for first class by the end of the week. Older scouts will work on merit badges or go on a 2 or 3 day trek. Wolfeboro is truly an unforgettable experience for the scouts leaving them wanting to come back for the coming year. 



Troop 282 is a 100% boy-run troop. This means that boys in leadership positions plan the outdoor program, the troop meetings. In turn, these scouts pass on their leadership skills to the younger boys. Scouts hold elections every six months for patrol leaders and the senior patrol leader. Each scout is given a position of responsibility, small or large, depending on his level of maturity. Leadership is one of the most important aspects of being a boy scout.


As a scout, a boy learns to make a difference in his community. Troop 282 scouts serve in a variety of ways. They help with conservation projects, collect food for the needy, and participate in their community.


An integral part of the Boy Scout program is to recognize achievement. As a boy masters skills, he earns appropriate merit badges. The more advancement he achieves, the higher his rank in the troop. Troop 282 gives formal recognition to the scouts for their skills, leadership, and service by holding Courts of Honor every three or four months. These award ceremonies are eagerly anticipated by the scouts. Consistent recognition builds a boy's self-esteem.

Parental Involvement

Our parents provide resources and guidance. A Parents Committee meets once a month to discuss finances, transportation, and safety.